News & insights
Our goal is not just to advance your business, but to contribute to your knowledge and insight in any way that we can. Through our team and extended client community, it’s our goal always to bring you fresh ideas and help you see your own brand and work in new ways. If you would like to contribute something to this page, reach out to Dave!

The Solver Blog is now live!
Read the latest thinking from our experts
Innovative approaches to growth
Keith Bossey of Bossey Partners publishes a weekly Substack newsletter looking at the elements of growth from every angle — strategic to specific. We encourage you to check it out!
Ideas worth sharing
A podcast that celebrates hidden talents & passions
We love Matt Valle’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Research podcast — which recently passed the 130-episode mark — because it looks at the people behind the research business, and recognizes their unsung talents and gifts. Nothing could be more personal or engaging. Take a listen!
A savvy advocate for sustainability & climate action
Author of the essential book The Hero Trap, Thomas Kolster is one of our most articulate commentators on the intersection of advertising and sustainable practices. Be sure to check out his blog for continuing insights.